White-Collar Criminal Law

The Firm advises, assists, and represents a clientele consisting of individuals (business leaders, executives, politicians) or legal entities, that are either defendants or civil parties in cases involving offenses related to business activities.

The Firm works closely with specialized communicators in crisis management, experienced in handling cases with high strategic stakes.

The Firm intervenes proactively to assess and prevent criminal risk.

It also intervenes during the investigation, the instruction phase, and before judgment panels, regulatory authorities, and disciplinary bodies.

Offenses include: influence peddling, fraud, illegal conflict of interest, corruption, fraudulent organization of insolvency, tax fraud, cybercrime, favoritism, etc.

Iconic Cases

Defense of personalities from the horse racing world accused of organized fraud and doping.

Defense of a businessman prosecuted for money laundering and organized fraud.

Legal counsel and assistance to an individual accused of favoritism in a political-financial affair.

Defense of an executive prosecuted for tax fraud.

Defense before disciplinary bodies of a renowned jockey prosecuted for doping.

Prevention of criminal risk in the deployment of a gambling club.

Business Law

The Strategic Firm